Mold & Shell materials
Soft and hard materials for swimming protection, hearing protection and BTE hearing aids.
detax mould
Medical resin for long lasting premium earmolds
In Earmoulds , In Foil Earmoulds , In Hard Earmoulds , In Hearing Protection , In In-Ear-Monitoring , In ITE Shells , In RIC Earmoulds
detax shell
Medical resin for long lasting premium ITE shells
In Foil Earmoulds , In ITE Shells
luxaprint shellac
UV curing acrylic lacquer for permanent surface sealing of generative manufactured earmoulds made of...
In Earmoulds , In Laquer
detax cast
Innovative 3D resin for generative manufacturing of cast forms that can be removed tool-free
In Cast
detax cast 2.0
UV curing resin (385 nm) for generative manufacturing of cast forms
In Cast
Earmould silicone for the fabrication of soft BTE earmoulds & protectors. Easy processing, tear...
In Silicone , In Soft Earmoulds
detax softwear 2.0
Permanently elastic earmould silicone
In Earmoulds , In Silicone
aquaplus colormix
Floatable special silicone in double cartridges, for the fabrication of swim plugs in the lab. Also...
In Earmoulds , In Soft Earmoulds
super coat
Sealing lacquer with silver particles for silicone based earmoulds and otoplastics. Suitable for all...
In Earmoulds
dip coat
Special dip coat for silicone ear impressions and earmoulds, no annoying skin formation in the...
In Earmoulds
softwear coat
Clear varnish for smoothing & equalizing the surface of otoplastics made from silicone (reproduced...
In Earmoulds
frosty coat
Satin-finished one component lacquer for silicone earmoulds, transparent.
In Earmoulds
micropor lacquer
One component lacquer for smoothing and sealing of silicone based earmoulds and ear impressions.
In Laquer
express coat
Fast-drying one component lacquer, transparent, for all silicone based earmolds and ear impressions,...
In Laquer , In Earmoulds