Areas of application:
CIC impression material
Light bodied initial consistency, thixotropic. Particularly for CIC adaptions, narrow auditory canals, e.g. for children or pain sensitive patients. Easy to remove, highest elastic recovery, very tear resistant, lasting dimensional stability, biocompatible. A-silicone, low viscosity, time in the ear: 3:00 min., final hardness: 35 Shore A, colour: pink
Light bodied
Low viscosity and a light body make application particularly convenient
Easy to remove
Very suitable for patients with narrow ear canals
Tear resistant
Long-term dimensional stabilty for reliable use
Product experiences
Michael Parkinson, acoustician
addition supra is very light bodied with a low viscosity which makes it my product of choice for taking silicone impressions on children and other patients with narrow ear canals.
Susan Locke, mother of a patient, ten years old
My son is very squeamish about any kind of physical exams, be it doctors, opticians or acousticians. But taking an impression of his ear for his hearing device was no trouble at all.
Packaging (5)
Cartridge packing Automix1
8 x 50 ml base + catalyst
Article number: 02305
Mixing cannulas optima, white
50 pcs.
Article number: 03187
Cartridge packing Automix1
8 x 50 ml base + catalyst
Article number: 03797
Mixing cannulas, pink
25 pcs
Article number: 02770
T-Mixer, pink
25 pcs
Article number: 03614